Meet the Team


Principal Investigator

Henrik I Christensen
Research Director

Henrik I. Christensen is the director of Robotics at UC San Diego and the Qualcomm Chancellor’s chair of robot systems. HIs main research is on a systems approach to robotics. Dr. Christensen is the editor of the US National Robotics Roadmap 2009, 2013, 2016 and 2020. He has published about 400 contributions across robotics, computer vision and AI.

PhD Students

Abdulaziz Almuzairee
PhD in CSE.

Master of Science (M.S.) - Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, USA, 2020
Bachelor of Science (B.S.) - Computer Engineering, San Diego State University, USA, 2019

Interests - Robotic Perception, Robotic Manipulation, Reinforcement Learning

Seth Farrell
PhD in CSE.

Master of Science (M.S) - Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California San Diego, USA, 2023
Bachelor of Science (B.S.) - Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California San Diego, USA, 2021

Interests - Sensor Fusion, Robotics, Machine Learning

Jiaming Hu (Frank)
PhD in CSE.

Master of Science (M.S.) - Computer Science and Engineering, University of California San Diego, USA, 2020
Bachelor of Science (B.S.) - Computer Science and Engineering, University of California San Diego, USA, 2017

Interests - Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Robotics

Yang Jiao (Joyce)
PhD in CSE.

Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) - Electronic Information Engineering, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China, 2022
Master of Science (M.S.) - Electrical Engineering, University of California, San Diego, USA, 2024

Interests - Mobile Robot Mapping, Robot Navigation

Chenghao Li
PhD in CSE.

Bachelors of Science (B.S) - Electrical Engineering, Chongqing University, China, 2023
Master of Science (M.S.) - Electrical Engineering, University of California, San Diego, USA, 2025

Interests - Micro-Mobility Devices, Mobile Robotics, Autonomous Driving

Jing-yan Liao
PhD in CSE.

Master of Science (M.S) - Computer Science and Engineering, University of California San Diego, USA, 2023
Bachelor of Science (B.S.) - Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 2021

Interests - Trajectory Prediction, Perception, Autonomous driving

Rohan Patil
PhD in CSE.

Master of Science (M.S) - Computer Science and Engineering, University of California San Diego, USA, 2023
Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) - Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, India, 2021

Interests - Multi-agent reinforcement learning, learning in adversarial scenarios

Yiding Qiu (Cassie)
PhD in CSE.

Master of Science (M.S.) - Computer Science and Engineering, University of California San Diego, USA, 2020
Bachelor of Science (B.S.) - Cognitive Science & Physics, University of California San Diego, USA, 2017

Interests - Knowledge graph, SLAM, Reinforcement learning

Julian Raheema
PhD in CSE.

Master of Science (M.S) - Computer Science, San Diego State University, USA, 2016
Bachelor of Science (B.S.) - Computer Science and Mathematics, University of Mosul, Iraq, 2004

Interests - Intelligent Autonomous Robotics,, Mapping, Planning, and Task-oriented Robots

Luobin Wang (Robin)
PhD in CSE.

Master of Science (M.S) - Computer Science and Engineering, University of California San Diego, USA, 2023
Bachelor of Science (B.S.) - Computer Science, University of California, Irvine, USA, 2021

Interests - Perception, Artificial Intelligence with Robotics

Zihan Zhang
PhD in CSE.

Master of Science (M.S) - Computer Science and Engineering, University of California San Diego, USA, 2023
Bachelor of Science (B.S.) - Computer Science and Engineering, University of California San Diego, USA, 2021

Interests - Perception, Prediction, Autonomous driving, Robotics

Hengyuan Zhang (Henry)
PhD in CSE.

Master of Science (M.S.) - Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California San Diego, USA, 2020
Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) - Automation, School of Management and Engineering, Nanjing University, China, 2018

Interests - Sensor Fusion, Autonomous Driving, Mobile Robotics

Masters Students

Jayanti Lahoti
MS in CSE.

Bachelors of Engineering (B.E) - Computer Science Engineering, BMS College of Engineering, India, 2023

Interests - Computer Vision, Deep Learning

Jai Malegaonkar
MS in CSE.

Bachelors of Science (B.S) - Computer Science, University of California Davis, USA, 2023
Bachelors of Science (B.S) - Cognitive Science, University of California Davis, USA, 2023

Interests - Multi-agent reinforcement learning

Abhijit Ravichandran
MS in CSE.

Bachelors of Science (B.S) - Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 2024

Interests - Behavioral Planning

Shen Tong
MS in ECE.

Bachelor of Engineering (B.E) - Electrical Engineering, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China, 2023

Project - Autonomous Scooter

Interests - Mobile Robotics, Autonomous Driving

Akshar Tumu
MS in CSE.

Bachelors of Science (B.S) - Computer Science, BITS Pilani, India, 2024

Interests - Behavioral Planning, Perception


Andrea Frank ( PhD in CSE., 2024)
Narayanan Elavathur Ranganatha ( MS in CSE., 2024)
Anwesan Pal ( PhD in CSE., 2023)
Christopher D'Ambrosia ( PhD in CSE., 2023)
Akanimoh Adeleye ( PhD in CSE., 2023)
David Paz ( PhD in CSE., 2023)
Shrutheesh R Iyer ( MS in CSE., 2023)
Srinidhi Bharadwaj ( MS in ECE., 2023)
Srirangan Madhavan ( MS in CSE., 2023)
Quan Vuong ( PhD in CSE., 2022)
Priyam Parashar ( PhD in CSE., 2021)
Ruffin White ( PhD in CSE., 2021)
Michelle Sit ( MS in CSE., 2020)
Shengye Wang ( PhD in CSE., 2020)
Carlos Nieto-Granda ( PhD in CSE, 2019)
Sumit Binnani ( MS in CSE., 2019)
Jaskaran Virdi ( MS in CSE., 2018)