Latest News

Congratulations Dr. Pal!
Anwesan Pal recently defended his PhD! Congratulations Anwesan!
Paper on home robots accepted at IRC 2023!
Our paper titled “Household navigation and manipulation for everyday object rearrangement tasks” has been accepted for publication at IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing 2023, Laguna Hills, USA.
Paper on home robots accepted at IRC 2023!
Congratulations Dr. Adeleye!
Akanimoh (Sanmi) Adeleye recently defended his PhD thesis titled “Enabling Assistive Service Robots to Contextually Organize Household Objects”. Congratulations Sanmi!
Congratulations Dr. Paz-ruiz!
David Paz recently defended his PhD thesis titled “Mapping and Planning for Autonomous Vehicles in Dynamic Urban Settings”. Congratulations David!
Paper accepted at IROS 2023!
Our paper titled “Multi-modal planning on rearrangement for stable manipulation” has been accepted for publication at IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 2023, Detroit, USA.
Paper accepted at IROS 2023!
Two papers at CASE 2023!
Very excited to present TWO papers at CASE. The research covers topics like manipulation, and knowledge graphs. Hobe and Cassie have papers. Check out Publications page for more information!
Two papers at CASE 2023!
Congratulations Dr. Vuong!
Quan Vuong recently defended his PhD thesis titled “Robot learning through Reinforcement Learning, Teleoperation and Scene Reconstruction”. He will be starting a new adventure in his life at Google Brain. Congratulations Quan!
Papers Accepted at CVPR and ISRR 2022!
Our papers on indoor robot navigation, and manipulation got accepted at Embodied AI workshop in CVPR 2022, and ISRR 2022 respectively. Check out Publications page for more information!
Papers Accepted at CVPR and ISRR 2022!
Four papers at CASE 2022!
Very excited to present FOUR papers at CASE. The research covers topics like manipulation, human face anonymization, and global localization in airport environments. Check out Publications page for more information!
Four papers at CASE 2022!
Paper Accepted at ICRA 2022!
Our paper titled “TridentNetV2 Lightweight Graphical Global Plan Representations for Dynamic Trajectory Generation” has been accepted for publication at IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2022, Philadelphia, USA.
Paper Accepted at ICRA 2022!